Monday, 31 December 2012

I believe..

"Men are masters of their own fates. Their faults
Does not lie in their stars..."- Cassius in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

WE have brought this upon ourselves. Now that the world looks down upon us, a country which boasts of its superpower status and then cannot even ensure the safety of its women. WE have brought this upon ourselves, that we have elected to power some jokers of politicians, a vast majority of them being convicts, and we shall have to depend on them and their empty promises that rape shall be punishable by death, no less. It will be, for quite a few lawmakers, an endorsement of their own death warrant, isn't it? It is WE who are responsible for the girl's death, because the girl and her friend, after being thrown off the bus, were lying on the road for close to an hour, but none came forward to help. Maybe all backed off fearing 'harassment by the police', because all seem to have retired in their own little and sweet worlds. And ultimately, it is WE who are responsible for crimes against women reaching what our Prime Minister says, "is at an epidemic stage". Because we have been keeping quiet, trivializing, and sweeping these offences under the carpet for too long. Why? Is it indecent? A social taboo to discuss so? Who knows?

But as my blog title says, I am an optimist. I like to hope, I like to believe, that all will take a turn for the better. So I believe that one day, that men and women can travel in the same mode of public transport and in the same compartment and seats, without any uneasiness. I believe that one day the Indian society shall eliminate the 'second-class citizens' tag from women, and they can enter Parliament having fought a battle on their own, and not via backdoors of reservations and political families. I believe that men shall, one day, start  viewing women as human beings, not commodities. I believe that contrary to popular belief that India is rotten and down the gutter, someone will, as the Colonial Cousins say, "Come back as Jesus/...Come back as Rama/...Come back as Allah/Come back as anyone" and save the world. I also believe, that 'anyone' is no heavenly creature, but someone amongst us. And I STILL believe, we can change and shape our future, our governance, our society, and our outlook. Not through the suggestions of some know-it-all people who scream "military rule!", but through the moment when you press a certain button on an electronic voting machine every five years.

I believe...

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